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The pricing structure of products

Benqa avatar
Written by Benqa
Updated over a week ago is on a mission to solve unemployment, one API at a time. provides various packages to accommodate every need.

Here's a recap table of the different products and services available:



You can visit our pricing page or book a demo to ask for a quote.

Professional services

In addition to our APIs, we have a complete team of Designers, Developers, Project Managers, and Data Scientists with extensive experience working on HR solutions for various clients - So trust that your HR project will be in safe hands.

Pricing terms

What is a record?

A record is an item or object whose content can be searched or scored. In HrFlow, a record can either be a profile (in a Source) or a job (in a Board).

Therefore, the number of records equals the sum of the items stored in all your Sources or Boards.

What is a request?

Within the context of using Hrflow, a request is simply the action of calling an HrFlow service (API) with an item to be processed.

A request can result in a Success or Failure response.

We can distinguish two different types of pricing among the HrFlow services:

  • Request-based pricing: The cost of total usage is determined based on the number of successful requests made by the user.

    For instance, Parsing API is priced based on requests.

  • Record-based pricing: The cost of total usage is determined based on the number of active records stored in the customer database.

    Active records are records that have not been archived or deleted. Scoring is priced based on active records.

API Usage

Profile Parsing API Usage

You can track your profile parsing consumption by going to your portal and then to Settings > Usage > Profiles.

Select all of the sources used to parse profiles in the "choose sources" tab, and then set the period you want to track to get the overall usage.

You may also want to track which sources are used the most by selecting them in the "choose sources" tab or over which period you have used Parsing API the most.

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