This article provides a practical guide to categorizing HR documents, such as resumes, cover letters, and more.
Follow these steps to identify the type of your HR documents:
Upload Your Files
Begin by uploading your HR documents.Extract Text with HrFlow.ai OCR API
Use the HrFlow.ai OCR API to convert your files into text format.Categorize Documents with HrFlow.ai Dynamic Tagger
Leverage the HrFlow.ai Dynamic Tagger API to identify the category of each document. Provide the possible categories (e.g., "resume," "cover letter") for accurate tagging.
For a more in-depth approach:
Explore the Google Colab Notebook
Use this Google Colab Notebook to categorize your HR documents step-by-step.Translate the Code to Other Languages
To adapt the code to other programming languages (e.g., Node.js), refer to this ChatGPT Thread.